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      2. 涂料廢氣處理工藝簡述和產(chǎn)品特點(diǎn)

        涂料廠所用的原料,有些具有一定的毒性,如各種溶劑、含鉛和含鉻的顏料等,可能引起中毒或職業(yè)病。有的原料如溶劑、硝化棉、油脂等屬于易燃易爆的危險品。因 此,涂料廠要有良好的通風(fēng)裝置、完善的安全防爆措施和消防設(shè)備、保護(hù)工作人員健康的必要勞動保護(hù)和衛(wèi)生設(shè)施。對于涂料廠廢氣的治理,要選用質(zhì)量技術(shù)過硬的廢氣凈化技術(shù),才能達(dá)到滿意的效果。
        4.采用西門子plc-s7 1200進(jìn)行電氣控制,對系統(tǒng)進(jìn)出口、爐膛、蓄熱床等關(guān)鍵部位的控制點(diǎn)(如lel監(jiān)測器、溫度、壓力等)進(jìn)行記錄,并通過自編程序進(jìn)行邏輯控制。
        lanyang is a professional production of waste gas treatment equipment, waste gas treatment equipment and industrial organic waste gas treatment equipment manufacturers, our company is committed to give the best possible exhaust gas processing solutions in the shortest time.
        paint is a firm can cover the surface, the protective, decorative, chemical mixture paint logos and other special purposes. in accordance with the prevailing modern classification of chemical products, coating belonging to fine chemical products. modern paint is gradually becoming a class versatility of engineering materials, the chemical industry is an important industry.
        raw materials used in paint factory, some of which have some toxicity, such as various solvents, lead and chromium pigments, etc., may cause poisoning or occupational disease. some materials such as solvents, nitrocellulose, grease, etc. is flammable and explosive dangerous goods. therefore, the paint factory have good ventilation, sound-proof safety measures and fire-fighting equipment to protect the health of workers necessary labor protection and sanitation. for coating plant waste gas treatment, to use quality technical excellent exhaust gas purification technology, in order to achieve satisfactory results.
        paint waste gas treatment process description:
        1. the organic waste is heated to above 760 ℃, residence time greater than one second, so that the exhaust gas vocs oxidation and decomposition into carbon dioxide and water.
        2. the high-temperature gas flowing through the oxidation of a special ceramic regenerator, heating the ceramic body and the regenerative, this regenerative is used to preheat the follow-up into the body of organic waste, thus saving fuel consumption exhaust gas temperature rise and lower operating costs.
        3. ceramic regenerator should be divided into three zones, each goes through the regenerator heat storage - heat - such as cleaning procedures, again and again, continuously. after regenerator heat should be immediately introduced into the appropriate amount of clean air to the regenerator for cleaning (to ensure that the voc removal efficiency above 99%), and only until the cleaning is completed to enter the regenerative program.
        4. improve cold start preheating furnace through the burner system, the normal operation of most of the heat can be recovered regenerative ceramic bed, when the combustible components in the exhaust gas concentration is too low, rely on combustion auxiliary fuel (diesel or natural gas) to improve furnace temperature. when the furnace temperature is too high, the valve may be emptying temperature furnace temperature control part of the heat will be released.
        product features
        1. heat stable, small footprint, heat recovery efficiency up to 95%;
        2. the regenerative heat exchanger, exhaust gas temperature rise of saving fuel consumption, lower operating costs;
        3. efficiency up to 99%;
        4. siemens plc-s7 1200 is electrically controlled, import and export of key parts of the system, furnace, heat storage bed control points (eg lel monitors, temperature, pressure, etc.) are recorded, and logic control through self programming .
        關(guān)鍵詞:廢氣處理設(shè)備 工業(yè)廢氣處理設(shè)備 陶瓷蓄熱體

        發(fā)展能源新未來 推進(jìn)生物質(zhì)能源新未來